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In this issue of RIDE HIGH

The lesser of two evils

We survived lockdown. Rising electricity costs aren’t going to break our business, says Flow Athletic’s Ben Lucas

Adapting to change

Over-supply in indoor cycling is forcing down prices just as inflation is hitting, says Active Fitness CEO Timothy Felix

A COVID hangover

The challenge in Malaysia is not energy costs, says FLYPROJECT co-founder Kenny Choong. It’s hybrid working.

Savings for the taking

A pilot project at Evolution Wellness has highlighted potential savings of US$34,000 per club, says CEO Simon Flint

Building to save

Designing a green building was not the cheap option, but it will pay back, says Body Action Gym’s Antonio Iozzo

Heading off-grid

Beyond Fitness is mitigating the rising cost of diesel by harvesting solar power, says founder Simi Williams

Right service, right price

Energy costs are not yet prohibitive in the US, but even if they rise, Drop Fitness aims not to hike prices, says Jeb Balise

Navigating the headwinds

We expect to make acquisitions. How can smaller operators survive in this climate? asks Urban Gym Group’s Jordy Kool

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